Wednesday 5 November 2014

Conserve or perish

In our generation, technology seems to be trending on high scale and of value in life. We always want to be updated to on the latest applications, the latest electronics in the market, what is currently trending on social media etc. Technology has become part of us. Try imagining when you can  no longer chat via whatsApp ,when you can’t post a picture on instagram , download movies or music,  post that tweet on twitter or even selling things on e-market  . Life becomes hard; we no longer have what we are used to. It becomes hard to carry out certain activities and to pass messages through various mediums.
Likewise in environment we have been enjoying its benefit over the years, fresh air, clean water and predictable weather patterns. Now imagine having none of this, no clean water, polluted air, how will we survive???. The little that we will have will not be able to cater for all of our needs.
Our daily activities determine whether or not we will live to enjoy good environment and whether or not our children and our children’s children will enjoy. It all comes down to us and what we do about current climate change and its effects.
As time passes by, and the existence of earth continue increasing in age so does the climate change effects .Change in climate has been gradual over the years but the effects are eventually catching up with us. The effects of climate change is on the rise and many organizations  and governments  have come up with projects to conserve what we already have and mitigate what has been affected but despite all these, conservation comes down to an individual.
“There is a strong credible body of evidence based on multiple lines of research, documenting that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities” America’s climate choice (advancing the science of climate 2010). Activities that we do like releasing of effluents to rivers and greenhouse gases to the atmosphere always seem like a solution to problems at the time but we don’t consider the long term effects of it. We view environmental organizations and policies trying to control or stop this as a cooperate nuisance but eventually our actions will come haunting us. We prioritize current economic prosperity over our future. We never consider what will happen when the last tree has been cut, the last river poisoned and when the last fish caught will we then eat money!??. Will money buy you a river, a forest, fish or fresh air??

Angela Keter: the author is a Communication and Advocacy Officer at Scope Intervention

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